Thursday, April 26, 2012

Fuck Speed Squats

So I have a confession to make. Over the past few weeks, I have been doubting the effectiveness of speed squats in my programming. I used to think they helped a lot, but that's when my squat technique was different - wider stance, lower bar, etc. Ever since I switched up my form a little bit, I've basically been feeling like the speed squats are not really worth doing.... I basically just try to get through them and then hit that heavy single. However, I didn't want to get rid of them, because since my squat is getting stronger, why change anything?

then again... heavy is so much more fun....

BUT, today was the day that that needed to change. I decided to try something a little different, to do that for the next 6 weeks or so, and see if I like it better than the speed squats. Instead of speed squatting, then working to a heavy single, I decided to work up to the heavy single fresh, then drop the weight back down by about a third, and then work up in triples to a heavy set of 3.

SO, warmed up, and felt really great today. That smoothness of movement that I felt monday definitely carried over to today, and I'm really feeling comfortable moving the weight lately. Squatted up to 225 x 3 without the belt, then hit 275 x 2 with the belt. That moved really well, and even though I was nervous about making the jump straight to 315, I did it, and ripped the weight. Here's the vid:

Then, I decided to push to 325. I really didn't want to fail, but I figured it was worth the risk, and I was right, because I moved that really quick too. Here's the vid:

Pretty awesome. A ten pound pr is something to be very happy about without being fully rested. After that rep, I dropped the weight back down to 225. I hit that for three, then 245, then 265, then 285 for a hard triple (all without the belt). Again, this is pretty awesome - a new 3rm, AFTER hitting a new 1rm.

After this, I was planning on taking my good mornings slow, but a kid asked if he could work in with me, and HE was moving pretty fast, so I had to move quick to keep up... so i did 135 x 15, 185 x 10, and 225 x 6, all within a span of sub-ten minutes.

Overall, it was an AMAZING day. new 1rm, new 3rm, and a rep record at 225 for Good mornings. SO, so far cutting speed squats seems like a GREAT idea. We will see if progress keeps up, and if my body is going to be able to handle squatting heavy 3 times a week. But lets hope the Squat Strength keeps coming.

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