Saturday, February 25, 2012

Rehab, Pushups, and "What the fuck is that guy doing?"

Saturday is yet another rest day, so after a delicious carb-less breakfast of scrambled eggs and more scrambled eggs, I headed to the gym for some elbow rehab, foam rolling, and a new addition to rest days... pushups.

I was doing a lot of reading and some thinking the past few days, and decided to start adding a couple sets to failure of pushups on my rest days. Here is my reasoning: my bench is horrible. And won't go up. I've done just about everything I can to work on my form, and I think it's about as good as it's going to get without Dave Tate just happening to show up to spot me Tuesdays and Fridays. And, in my current programming, I have a SHITLOAD of pulling, to help guarantee that my back isn't the problem. Now, all there really is left to do is wait it out and hope that, as my pulling and pressing assistance work gets heavy, my bench finally starts to grow. However, a little extra pressing volume definitely won't hurt, especially on days when I'm not doing anything else. Pushups are fun and easy to recover from, and doing just two or so sets to failure on two of my three rest days will give me at least 150 extra pressing reps a week. I'm hoping it will help 1) my pressing speed, 2) my chest and arms heal, by bringing  a little extra blood there on rest days, and 3) my pushup max get better. Who doesn't want to be able to bang out easy sets of 50 or 60 pushups? It's fuckin cool man.

Now drop and give me... a fuckin lot. 

So anyway, this is what today ended up looking like:

Set of pushups to failure (33)
Warm up set of preacher curls (10 at 12.5)

Then, with a set of 5 pushups between each set of curls:

25lbs x 12reps
25 x 12
25 x 10
20 x 15
15 x 20
10 x 25

And then another set of pushups to failure at the end (27 this time). 

My elbows feel great, and doing the pushups was fun. It helped break up the curls, and in the end I ended up with around 85 pushups and 116 curls. Plus, if you notice compared to my last rest day, my curls are getting stronger, which I just find fucking hilarious. 

Me, if this stupid rehab bullshit keeps actually making me stronger at curling. 

Finally, I would like to start a new segment on this blog, called "What the fuck is that guy doing?" It's where I see stupid fucking people in the gym, and then rant about them on here instead of punching them in the aorta in between sets of my (soon to be) preacher curls with 100 lb dumbells. 

Today's superman came in the gym right after my first set of curls with the 25's. He asked if i was using the preacher curl (strike one, fuckface, you just saw me on it), and I said yes... and then, because i am a kind and generous and stupid, stupid man, I threw in "but you can jump on in between my sets, if you want." So this skinny, skinny douche grabs an easy curl bar - just the bar, mind you, no weights - and starts doing reps. Now, I was hoping to move through my sets pretty quickly. I was happy to be going a little heavier, but at the same time these are for rehab, not strength, so i didn't want any more than a minute or so rest, maybe two if I really thought I needed it. so I'm standing next to the preacher curl, ready to jump on as soon as he's finished. This fucker proceeds to do what had to be a 5-minute long set of curls. With just the bar. Now, as a general rule I am immediately suspicious of anyone who walks in the gym and immediately starts curling - especially if that person is a skinny, skinny piece of shit. However, since I started curling to fuck my fucked up, sad elbows, I have forced myself to open my mind up a little bit, and not judge right away. But there is NO reason, and I mean NO reason, to do curls so light, that you can continuously do them for 5 full minutes, while I stand over you, wanting to punch you in your fucking aorta. That's like a minimum of 200 reps. Fuck that skinny skinny man and his skinny skinny arms. If you EVER do more than 25 reps of any exercise, and don't feel like you are going to die after, you need to put some fucking weight on the bar, and stop wasting your time and mine. 

On a side note, two crazy fucking elite athletes that made high rep shit worth doing: Matt Kroc, who did a fucking 5 x 20 squats with 415. That motherfucker is CRAZY. The other that comes to mind right away is Rob Orlando, who once put 200 on the bar, put it on his back, set his feet, and did 100 reps straight. Holy shit, I feel like I'm going to die just thinking about that. 

Matt Fucking Kroc

And Rob, being completely insane. 

But anyway, unless you are one of those manimals, please for the love of god, add some fucking weight, and try and keep your sets below 5 minutes. Or I will punch you, in or around your aorta. 

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