Monday, February 2, 2015

Honor Never Dies

"If I live, I will kill you. If I die, you are forgiven. Such is the rule of Honor" 

-Lamb of God. 

So, it's been over 6 months since my last post. This blog used to be one of my favorite things to do, and keeping it was one of my proudest accomplishments. I wanted to chronicle my journey, in the hopes that one day I would achieve great enough things that it would be a joy to look back at this. And, perhaps I would achieve great enough things that others would look back at it too and see my whole journey. 

However, this last year provides an important lesson: life gets in the way. Life will knock you down. And my absence from this space is, in a way, an accurate summary of my journey the last year. I haven't been all here, mentally or physically. I've been dealing with injuries to my back, my knee.... And I've been dealing with issue much more difficult and limiting than physical injuries. 

I was fortunate enough for the first few years of my journey to never hit a real stumbling block. I was privileged. I didn't understand how people could accept plateaus and stagnation. These experiences I've had over the past year have helped me to see the other side of the coin. But they have also taught me that doing what I do, every single day, is still a choice. A difficult one. There will be times when just hanging on for dear life is all you can ask. But I've shown myself that I can do that. I might not be through the woods yet, but for the first time in a long time I am seeing things more clearly. Great things are forged in the crucible of suffering. More suffering may be to come, but all that means is more greatness in the end. 

I'm not going to return to writing here every workout, I don't think that's possible right now. But I'm going to try and begin to document my training again, even if that means just a post every week or two. I'll try to keep this blog current with big PR's, videos, news, etc. 

Right now, I am in the middle of a slow build. All my lifts are feeling very strong, but I am doing a lot of work in the middle rep ranges with moderate weights. I'm trying to move everything with speed and athleticism, and just feel as comfortable and confident as possible. I have some big goals in mind for about 4 months from now - perhaps the most ambitious and important of which is to finally bench 315. Bench has been a weakness of mine for years, and I think it might be time for me to finally vanquish that weakness. Here's a video from todays high-rep session. Thanks for checking it out - I'll be around folks. 

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