Monday, August 19, 2013

Squat 355 x 3, Front squat 275 x 3

Great day today! 2 PR's, a lot of fun, feeling good.

Started with heavy squats. I decided on thursday that mondays, I would work on making bigger jumps with my squats, to practice hitting heavy weights without wasting much energy beforehand. Then on thursday I will make smaller jumps, doing a ton of warmup sets so I get in a lot of fast and easy reps with perfect form - which will both give me tons of form practice, AND prevent me from going too hard and heavy cause I'll be tired out haha. ANYWAYS, I was feeling a little creaky and stuff today, despite a good warmup, but I stuck to the plan and it went really well! I hit the bar for a set of 10 or so, making sure to keep my stance wide, and working on driving my chest up, arching into the bar. Hit 135 x 8, then 225 x 5. Then, made the jump straight to 315 x 3, beltless. It felt really good! definitely felt a little heavy and a little creaky, but it was a very solid triple, good form, and that's the first time I have made that jump in a long while! Then, I ALMOST went to 335, when I decided fuck it - lets stick witht he big jumps, and go right where I REALLY wanted to go. So, I loaded up 355 and hit it for a beautiful belted triple. It was really solid! No rep was easy, but no rep was super hard either. Might have had another one in me, if everything went perfectly. After the triple, I was feeling ballsy so I loaded up 375 and tried to take it for a single. Didn't happen - form was alright, but I was just too slow and tired out. But I'm happy with that 355 x 3, that is a PR triple and the best squat set I have done in quite a while. Next week, I need to see how I feel but I would REALLY like to push to a heavy double or single, and try to get as close to PR territory as I can. I think, with a good squat session thursday and some recovery this weekend (which may be tough because I'm moving back to school), I could definitely hit some big squats next week. Just have to push!

Next, decided to do the exact same thing with front squats. Dropped back to 135 and hit it for a set of 5, then hit 185 x 3, 225 x 3. Once again, I almost jumped to 255, but then said screw it, and loaded up what I really wanted - threw on the belt, and smashed 275 x 3! It was a really great set. While lifting, I felt like the reps were hard and I had a lot of rounding over, but watching the video I am really happy with the way my reps look - they are smooth, and my technique is really solid. And, that's a pretty solid PR! My best triple FS it like 245 haha and I have only ever hit 275 for a single like 3 or 4 times. Anyways, I think I definitely have a lot more in me for front squat. Can't wait to hit 315, I KNOW it's just around the corner. Here's the video.

Finally, Did some snatch-grip deficit deads, from like 3 inches, which meant I was probably pulling the bar like an extra 8 inches haha. These were tough, but felt really good. I did a touch n go set of 10 at 135, 10 a 185, and then finished with a set of 12 at 225. Not super hard, but definitely worked my hips, hamstrings, and my lower back well. I just have to keep doing all these deadlifts from compromising positions - build up my supporting muscles and my ability to pull with a flat, strong back. Then, when the time comes to max out just release the animal and I WILL pull PR's, I feel sure about that.

So, overall great day. Squat PR (although I still feel like I'm not exactly stronger yet), front squat PR which I am VERY happy with, and some quality assistance. Can't wait to kick some serious ass this final week at home, then get to school and start schooling that whole gym on how shit it done. Lets keep at it.

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