Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Bench 220 x 2, 225 x 1

Good day today. A little less focused than ideal, but good.

Started with max effort bench. Warmed up a lot, then got started. Hit the bar for a slew, then 95 for 10 regular reps and some paused reps. Then hit 135 for 10, 165 x 6, 185 x 4. Then went up to 205, and dropped to doubles. Hit 205 for an easy double, then 215 x 2, then 220 x 2! This was the number I really wanted to hit for the day, but it felt good, so I went up. Hit 225 for a single, that was tough, then attempted the second rep and - although I had a shot at it - failed. However, I REALLY felt like the issue was that my form was a tiny bit weird on that first rep, so I decided to attempt it again, and failed right off the bat haha. I don't know if it was mental, or I just didn't have it today. But either way, I got 220 for a double, which is the heaviest I have gone in a while, and then hit 225 for a very solid single (which I couldn't do two weeks ago). Not half bad.

Next, did some backoff sets with a close grip and my feet up. Instead of doing three sets at a static weight, I decided to do a "drop set" with plenty of rest in between. ended up hitting 175 x 6, 155 x 12, and 135 x 15. This was kind of cool, to get a lot of volue AND some heavier work in.  But I felt unsatisfied with the 175. I think I should have gotten a couple reps more, and maybe I was just a little sloppy on that set since it was the first one and stuff.

Next, yates rows. Did 3 x 20 at 185.

Finally, supersetted some more rows with some overhead press. Loaded up 95 lbs on the press and 40 lbs on the cable, and just did a bunch of high rep work to finish my upper body off. Think I pressed the 95 for 19, 12, and 10, and rowed the stuff to my chest for like 25, 20, 25 or something like that.

So, overall a good workout. I wish I had been a little more focused, I think I could have maybe doubled that 225, gotten more quality reps in on the backoff sets, and been out of the gym quicker. But it was still a good workout. And, I am making progress on my bench! So what I'm doing is working. Just gotta keep at it.

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