Monday, February 18, 2013

Big Legs: Squat 300 x 7

Today was a very good leg workout. I was pretty creaky and slow to warm up, but in the end it was a lot of fun and I did well.

Started with 5/3/1 squat. Warming up was weird, because I didn't feel bad or weak per se - I just was having a really hard time feeling warm. I think It's just because I was drinking a bit this weekend, in a car, sitting, etc. Anyways, hit the bar for 2 sets, then 125 for a set of 10 that felt like ass, and then a set of 8 that felt really good. Then, I went straight to my first work weight,230, and hit it for 5. Not hard, but not nice and easy either. I hoped 265 would be better, but it was actually really terrible haha. My technique was just feeling off and weird, and the reps were NOT smooth. At this point, I kind of resigned that I was just having a rough day, and decided to just focus up so I could get the 300 for 5 and then be done with it. But something interesting happened - I got focused and went after the weight, and my form kind of clicked about halfway through the set haha. I think it was pretty much just due to the fact that the weight was really heavy. With 265, and the first couple reps of 300 I could squat it with  my timing off and still muscle it up, but as the set at 300 went on I either had to have really nice technique, or fail. So my body figured out what it needed to do. Anyways, hit it for 3 reps, stopped for a breather, then reps 4 and 5 were so much smoother and nicer that I hit a 6th and 7th rep. That last rep was tough and slow, but I honestly think I had at least another rep or two in me. Anyways, 7 reps is nothing crazy but it's pretty solid all the same, especially on a day when I wasn't feeling great. And now that I've moved a bit, hopefully thursday will feel a lit better.

Next, speed deadlifts went very well. Back at 275, but Pulled my 12 singles on the minute from a 2 plate, 4 inch deficit. The reps were solid and moved pretty fast. I had a little bit of a hard time combining my new, "athletic looseness" que that has been helping me with the lower position I needed for the high deficit, but overall the weight moved nicely, no problems. Hopefully the heavier weights next week and the last week will keep feeling fast and easy.

Next, snatch grip deads. I went heavy today, and it was really cool. Hit 165, 205, 245, 285, and finally 325 for sets of 3. It felt pretty awesome. 325 was very heavy and hard, but to be honest it didn't feel like a max. I think I have more pounds in me, it's just going to take a lot of focus and determination.

Finally, did 3 sets of crunches, although my abs felt like shit today.

So overall, pretty cool day. Happy with the squats, feeling good with my speed deadlifts, and I'm having a great time doing these snatch grip deads nice and heavy. Hopefully tomorrow will be a little less creaky, and then I can crush some weight for the rest of the week. Lets keep at it.

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