Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Max bench

I'm very tired today. Don't know why but I just don't have much in me.

Warmed up, then started benching up heavy. Hit the bar and 95 for a bunch, then 135 for 5, 165 for 2. Then I hit 185 for an easy single. Jumped to 205, and hit that: it wasn't easy, but not TOO hard. A very solid rep. I thought about calling it there, but decided I had a good chance at 210. Put that on, and it pretty much stapled me. Not sure what happened, I should have BARELY missed that weight if I did miss it, not gotten wrecked by it... but still, 205 isn't bad for maxing out after all the benching I did yesterday.

After that, I did a superset of my weird pressing movement with 75 lbs and band bicep curls, but my heart wasn't really in it. I was tired and I got a headache again towards the end of the sets, and just felt shitty all around.

Overall, uneventful day. Hopefully I will recover and feel better tomorrow for heavy squats.

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